Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Korea Stories - Part 3 - #MadAboutFlowers

I've been back for 5 days and I am still fangirling South Korea. There is so much I have seen, experienced and learned. Expect more posts about #SouthKorea. 

This blog is all about how South Koreans are #MadAboutFlowers. And so am I.

I noticed the flowers first on the highway drive between Incheon Airport to Gimpo Airport. I am sure, now, that there were flowers in the airport, but my sleepy fogged out brain did not register it. 

On the drive between the two airports I noticed bright flowers on the safety railings on the side of the road, and I thought, "so pretty".  

In no way did the trip between airports, prepare me for the riot of colors, forms & structures of flower arrangements that I was going to see in Korea.

I soon noticed that there were flowers on lampposts, in huge cauldrons on streets, and in baskets in front of shops & cafes.

Large road crossings have flower arrangements as do bridges. Solely for the pleasure of citizens and tourists.

Then there are the parks and gardens. Every city has these green zones. Consciously planned and planted to be more than just the lungs of the city. They are planted , maintained,  manicured artistically and color co-ordinated for people to enjoy, relax, and.... take pictures.
Even more elaborate are the arrangements in the temple complexes. A feast for the eyes that needs a dedicated post.

Every house / apartment / dwelling has flowers. On windowsills, on the side of driveways & doors, in gardens big and some seriously handkerchief sized. 

It looks like every Korean home has someone with a green thumb. 

Even the Ginseng Museum had a bouquet carved out of ginseng. 

Truly, they are #MadAboutFlowers. 

In a good way. In a fun way. In a way the gives pleasure.

The interesting thing I noticed was that the gargantuan volume of flowers are in pots. No one, literally, no one, ever picked up and walked away with a pot. No one plucked a flower. 
Unlike what happens so often in Indian parks and public spaces. Every time I walk in the park at home, there will be people who pluck flowers for pooja, depriving everyone, other than themselves and their God, the pleasure of nature's bounty. 

I am going to come back to this post just to enjoy the colors and remember how they made me feel.

These photos were taken in autumn. Summer must be a dream.

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